It is important to start out with effective affirmations, so they support and charge your manifestation work, rather than inhibit it.
What Are Affirmations?
Affirmations are declarations. We are stating observations about ourselves, others and the world. They do not describe how we would choose for ourselves and the world to be, they describe ourselves and the world as already being how we would choose them to be!
This is a subtle, yet important distinction.
Two, or More, ‘Already Trues’
We may need to hold two paradoxical observations in our consciousness simultaneously.
For example, we may at first need to hold the following two truths and open our minds enough to see them both as simultaneously true:
“I feel insecure, anxious and frightened by social situations”
“I feel secure, confident and delighted in social situations”
If we deny the negative truth and pretend only the positive truth is true, the one we deny (or resist) can become more persistent.
We do not always consider the possibility of having two (or more) selves. Two or more realities and truths
Even for someone who has objectively high social anxiety, it is very rare to be anxious in every single social situation, with all people. There are nearly always exceptions, where we feel secure and confident. So for most people, there are already two, or more already trues. The difference is that these exceptions may not have been part of the story we tell others and ourselves.
Create your affirmations intuitively. Ask yourself what would really bring you fulfilment.
Design it to help you feel something you want to feel (“acceptance”, “fulfilment”, “gratitude”, “love”, for example). If the affirmations are what you enter into the satnav, the emotions are the fuel that gets you there.
Design it so that it sparks your emotion and imagination to see, hear and feel yourself having accomplished it
Design it so that what you affirm can be seen as true every day that you affirm it, as well as the day that you have accomplished it. Are you already a millionaire? If not, would you affirm, that: “you are a millionaire”, or “you have the abundant mindset of a millionaire”?
Speak in the present tense (“you accept”, rather than “you will accept”). You are creating the conditions of your desired outcome here and now.
Refer to yourself in the second person, as “you”, not “I” (“you joyfully help others live fulfilled lives”, rather than “I joyfully help others live fulfilled lives”). Imagine telling yourself “I love me” and see how it feels. Now imagine someone else telling you “I love you”. Which is likely to have more impact? We tend to believe and take seriously positive messages from others over ourselves.
Keep it simple. Aim for somewhere between 1 and 25 words. As you become more adept at the manifesting process you can try adding more complexity and see how it works for you.
Imperfect affirmations are perfect! Just get going with something that is good enough. If there are improvements to make they will come to you as you progress.
Begin Crafting Your Affirmation
Here is an affirmation that works for me. If you are unsure where to begin, you can take this and make it your own:
“You joyfully help others live fulfilling and satisfying lives”.
“You graciously accept the abundance that, hence, cascades into and flows through your life”.
Put some initial ideas for your affirmation in the chat now.
Do You Want to Start Manifesting?
Check out my free content, a great way to get started with manifesting:
Do You Want Help to Work Through Something That May be Blocking Your Positive Manifesting?
Do you believe you may have acquired negative manifestations that get in the way of the life you would choose? You can learn more about my approach to Hypnotherapy and how it could help you here.
Do You Want to Take the Conversation Further – Ask Questions and Contribute Answers?
If what you are getting from life is not really doing it for you, you may not be clear about what you really want.
What Will Having That do for You?
There’s nothing wrong with material wealth. If you offered me a million pounds, with no strings attached, I would take it.
What do you imagine having millions would do for you?
Bring you status?
Bring you security?
Bring you freedom?
Where do these qualities exist and how will you know when you have acquired them?
Free chick image, public domain animal CC0 photo. More: View public domain image source here
Can status come as a result of making millions? Can millions come as a result of your status?
How about security and freedom? How do they relate to making millions?
Which is More Valuable, The Resource, or the Resourcefulness?
Let’s say you want to manifest a fancy car. Are you going to just wake up tomorrow morning with the key in your hand? (A)
How much would you appreciate it, even if it were likely?And if you had invested a great deal of yourself into manifesting that car? How much appreciation would you have? (B)
Let’s say you manifested this car through scenario B:
What would you have invested of yourself?
What would you have learned?
How would you have grown?
By combining deliberate action with manifesting, you could come out of it with three things that no one can take away: significance, capability and resourcefulness…
… and one thing that CAN be taken away: a fancy car!
The Harmony Between the Imagined And Shared Physical Reality
Manifestation should be a practice that harmonises the relationship between the imagined, or interpreted world and shared physical reality.
If one’s understanding of the universe diverges wildly from the reasoned consensus of human thought, I would recommend only engaging in manifestation practices with the approval of a medical professional.
Do You Want to Start Manifesting?
Check out my free content, a great way to get started with manifesting:
Trauma can be encoded, even in the context of “perfect” parenting. The Still Face Experiment highlights how even a short moment of absent expression on the face of a parental figure can leave a child distressed.
You could be the greatest parent of all time. If a timely opportunity is not provided for the child to return to positive, comfortable interaction with the parent, the formation of a traumatic experience can follow.
With only a partially developed brain, a child can easily blame themselves for this, potentially holding this belief for a lifetime.
This can colour our relationships with ourselves and others, if not addressed in therapy, or meditation, for example.
Such interpretations function just like affirmations. However, they often contain a polar opposite message to the abundance, or confidence, or love you might choose.
So, whether or not you have obtained traumatic experiences, you may have a build-up of existing negative manifestations.
You may, or may not be completely aware of them, or any resistance they present to the manifestation process.
It may be that this can be overcome through committed habituation of affirmations and foresense alone. On the other hand it may be that, significant emotional, or behavioural resistance arises and blocks you from effective manifesting.
In which case, you may choose to seek professional help in working through that resistance. The key here is not to try to push these feelings and interpretations about yourself and others away. As Carl Jung said “What you resist not only persists but will grow in size“.
The key is to learn to remain with them with calmness, to be curious and responsive, not reactive.
When you get help to overcome negative manifestation, you can reduce the fear enough to release its power and control over you, leaving you free to manifest as you would choose.
Do You Want to Start Manifesting?
Check out my free content, a great way to get started with manifesting:
Do You Want Help to Work Through Something That May be Blocking Your Positive Manifesting?
Do you believe you may have acquired negative manifestations that get in the way of the life you would choose? You can learn more about my approach to Hypnotherapy and how it could help you here.
Do You Want to Take the Conversation Further – Ask Questions and Contribute Answers?
The secret delight in manifesting is not what you get, but what you give
Going all in – manifesting is investing!
This investment involves investing in yourself! Unlike most investments, if your investment is not performing, you can do something about it. What you ultimately get from manifesting can multiply your initial investment. The universe is generous, but you need to make the first moves with integrity and dedication.
Overriding the “sameness” mode of your brain and system
Thoughts are words and words conjure images and emotions. Thinking is like breathing – it happens automatically, but when you think about breathing you can shape your breathing. You can choose to breathe quickly, slowly, shallowly, deeply, through your mouth, or nose. You can even choose to hold your breath for a time. While you may not be able to stop your unhelpful thoughts directly, you can change the way they sound and even think new thoughts in new ways.
One of the things your brain does is to create familiarity. This neural circuit doesn’t really care whether you feel satisfied and fulfilled, or miserable and anxious. It is unconscious. If what you think, feel, do and how you engage with your environment is familiar, your system can function more economically. However, by investing a little more energy you can shift gears. You can change your brain and manifest a new, self-determined way of showing up in the world. When you show up differently in the world, the world shows up differently to you. Once you are firmly on the path of your self-determined reality, once this is familiar, your brain’s passion for familiarity will help you to keep it consistent.
Some word and feeling combinations contain a greater emotional charge than others. When you want to make a change in your life you may need to invest your presence emotions with a lower charge. Emotions that are not so strong right now, but are ultimately better for you. This involves being willing to go beyond a stronger and more detrimental, but temptingly familiar feeling. Giving your attention instead to a more subtle, yet nourishing feeling. You don’t need to get this right every time, but you do need to be prepared to make this sacrifice.
With practice, soon enough, and quicker than you may think, the emotion that serves you well will become more and more familiar and amplify in intensity.
Mental manifestation with or without deliberate action?
Manifesting your deepest desires requires mental and behavioural work. Many manifestation processes focus only on the mental. This can seem, on the surface, to be enough for your desires to simply fall into your lap! There is something deliciously appealing about rubbing a lamp, making a wish, sitting back and waiting for it to come true. Well. However, if you approach manifestation by repeating your affirmations and visualising your future, without walking the talk and changing what you do, things may not work out the way you had anticipated. Personally, even if I were able to manifest in this way, I wouldn’t want to. Ordering take-away occasionally is nice, but something changes if you do it all the time, because the personal investment is low. Alternatively you could buy quality ingredients, invest your time and apply your love and creativity in preparing a meal. Doing this can open up a world of satisfaction and health benefits that you can’t get from ordering-in. True fulfilment is multiplied by your personal contribution.
The importance of sacrifice and contribution
To contribute something must necessarily involve sacrificing something else. In this case energy, time and instant gratification were sacrificed for a greater, more complex system of rewards and possibilities. Preparing a meal requires applying your existing skills and acquiring new ones, being creative, solving problems and fulfilling a need for yourself and/or others. It is a multi-sensory, multi-faceted experience.
Sacrifice, in this sense, is not a symptom of scarcity, but a demonstration of your belief in an abundant world. When what you give away, or let go of is seen as part of your manifestation process, what you ultimately receive is sweeter, deeper, more worthwhile and longer-lasting.
The magic of synchronicities
This magic is exciting, beautiful and awe-inspiring! How wonderful to notice when something that happens is just too much of a coincidence to be a coincidence. When you are left speechless at how something amazing reveals itself to you, indicating that what you are putting in is making waves! Inspired by ancient Eastern wisdom, Carl Jung recognised the importance of the mystical. He identified “synchronicities” as those moments where your dreams converge with waking life. He framed these events as markers that life is flowing in the direction that was consciously intended.
While engaging in the manifesting process you might notice something unexpected during your day that reminds you of something you had manifested. You then have a choice as to how you interpret it: as your brain making connections and perceiving patterns in the environment; and/or a convergence of forces more universal than your brain alone. Either way the effect can be powerful. Identifying synchronicities can validate your process of manifestation and spur you on, so embrace them and enjoy them!
Reflection question
Which of the following values would you choose to make one of your strongest, to apply to your manifesting process?
Dedicated graft/work
Personal sacrifice
Delayed gratification
The Role of Community and Journaling in Manifesting
Feeding your learning forward – Using your own experience to inspire and support others through their own manifestation journey
When you feed your learning forward, you use your own experience to inspire and support others through their own manifestation journey. Not only do you get the delight of helping another soul to learn and grow, you solidify your own learning and growth. You get to master the craft for yourself. If your learning ends with you, you might settle for a somewhat vague understanding, compared to the level of integration you cement when you pass that understanding on to others.
This feeding forward can be done with anyone whom you feel would be responsive and welcoming of your support and encouragement. Loved ones, family members, friends, or colleagues, for example.
In my (premium) Insight Timer course, “Manifestation From The Inside Out”, there is a course classroom, which is an ideal space to feed this kind of learning forward. Additionally, my (free) Insight Timer and Facebook groups of the same name, “Believe – Relieve – Conceive”, are great spots to give and receive assistance.
So start the whole process knowing that you will be inspiring and supporting others to do the same and notice the difference this makes from day 1!
Journaling your manifesting journey
Journaling your experiences, desires, setbacks, successes, fears, courage, struggles and breakthroughs once a day, every day is golden! It can help in so many ways to balance, maintain and develop your mental wellbeing. Furthermore, it works wonders for your manifestation journey, especially if you don’t currently have so many people around you who you feel comfortable opening up to!
Journaling needn’t take up much of your time. Even if you write 3 simple words just before you go to sleep, or when you wake up, there exists a conversation you know you have every day, acknowledging what it is like to be you and tracing a path of your existence and wellbeing.
If you choose to keep a journal of your journey of manifestation, this can serve to:
Consolidate the affirmations, visualisations and feelings
Work through difficult moments, so they become learning moments
Identify areas to work through that you can bring to the classroom for this course
Track the development of your skill and habit
Identify what works and what doesn’t serve you
Remember your synchronicities and tune yourself in to notice more
Help to remain consistent in your approach to manifestation
Become a record of a meaningful and important journey that you can look back on with fondness
All you need is a pen and notepad, or a notes app on your phone. Just date each entry and write!
Reach out to me here if you are looking for personalised guidance in manifestation.
Reflection question
Much of the manifestation process is internal, at least in the beginning, but the results involve radical differences in the external world. In a sense it is an art of making the internal external. Which method of externalising do you feel resonates most deeply with you?
Sharing and guidance in online classroom, or group settings, as mentioned above?